Why do Group Lessons work?
1) Students Bond with Each Other. In the group, kids will talk to each other. When we play review games, they begin to work as a team with other students. They encourage each other. When we have “performance” days, the students compliment and write notes for performers in the class.
2) Students Learn How to Relate. New students coming in to the group see the warm, fun relationship that I have with other students. They see how I joke around and talk with my other students. This sets an expectation and subtly gives “permission” to a student to behave and relate in the same way.
3) Relationships with Committed Students Are Prioritized. I find that students who excel are students who love music and make an effort to connect with me. This doesn’t change because of the group environment... I have students who make things for me, write songs for me, learn extra songs for me, and bring gifts to me.
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